Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sukku kaapi recipe

This is a great alternate to coffee or tea. I came across this recipe when I was looking for non-caffeinated hot beverage. Let me confess that I am great coffee-lover and if for any reason I have to avoid coffee, especially first thing in the morning, I just lose it, I am not myself, get irritable and cranky and end up spoiling my full day. So you may ask why can't I just have my coffee and get it over with, well, I am scared of taking that coffee when my OB said specifically that I needed to avoid it, don't want to jeopardize my baby with my coffee-drinking craze. So anyway here comes our sukku kaapi to the rescue. Though there is no 'kaapi' in this bevereage, having that word in the title did help me to lull myself into the false sense of security!!

Sukku (Dry ginger) powder 1/2 cup
Coriander seeds 1/4 cup
Milagu (peppercorns), jeeraham (Cumin seeds) 1/2 tsp each
Dry roast all ingredients except Ginger powder and grind.
Mix all and store in an dry, airtight container.

To make one cup 8 oz of sukku kaapi,
Boil 2 tsp of mixed powder in 2 cups of water. Add sweetener, preferably something herbal like panam kalkandu or karupaatti. If neither is available organic sugar/raw sugar works well too.

Add milk and enjoy it hot.

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