Saturday, March 27, 2010

A new regiment of soldiers were deputed. They were engaged in regular drills and were warming up before the actual battle. Any time now the enemies may start pouring in. They were taught that to be alert and active is the most important requirement of a soldier. Without their knowledge, a spy had infiltrated their group. The spy was camouflaged among the shrubbery surrounding the camps. The spy was actually like a ‘trojan horse’; from within him could hundreds of soldiers beseige the home army. On the other hand if he were exposed at the correct time, a major danger could be averted.

Rohan finished his health drink and wiped off the ‘milk mushtache’. Even though he had got up with a slight fever, he was feeling better after his morning refreshment. He whined to his mom for a little while, explaining how his whole body was paining and that he was still tired, and that he did not want to go to school today, but mother was not about to pay any heed to all these daily protests. Seeing that his wish would not be given in to, he trudged along to pack his school bag and get his uniform gear ready. Mummy meanwhile was busy preparing breakfast for the family. She shouted out some instructions to Rohan, now and then - ’Don’t forget your colours’, ‘Take this money for chart paper, get it from the school stationery shop’, ‘Play during break AFTER having your lunch’ etc., Rohan gobbled up his cornflakes and toast and took his lunch bag. Meanwhile the school bus was already at Rohan’s door and the impatiently honking the horns. Mother applied the holy ash on Rohan’s forehead wishing him luck for the Art competition. After seeing him off on the school bus, she went inside the house to resume her morning chores.

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