The spy being undetected, multiplied himself manifold and surrounded the soldiers. This time the intruders beat the soldiers mercilessly, with bare hands and soldiers, already weak and injured, succumbed. Their faces and bodies were profusely bleeding and they were left for dead….
The aim of the attack was to plunder or ‘purge’ all the inhabitants and make this new territory their home. With soldiers successfully our of their way, the demon-like, cruel intruders ran amok in the city celebrating their victory. Children ran hither-thither in fear. Women and old people who could not run away fearfully looked on at the blazing streets. Some were dragged out from their homes and thrashed. Some went into hiding in the unused attics and stayed out of trouble for the time being.
But soon the intruders, who were lying in wait this long, heard the news of victory and started pouring into the city. With their entry, the exit of the inhabitants was but expected.
Rohan reached school and raced to his classroom. Some of his friends had already arrived and the boys got together discussing this and that. One of his friends remarked that Rohan looked a little pale, but Rohan, being but a child did not make much of it.
Bell rang, students and teachers assembled for morning prayers. After getting back to classroom, the first period began. Suddenly Rohan felt a stabbing pain in his stomach and just as he was about to excuse himself from class, his morning meal came out in a unceremonial ‘jet’. He felt very weak and almost fainted from the exhaustion and pain.